y.u.m.m.y h.o.u.s.e - a place to put our secret yummy recipes from past generations to new dummy recipes of our clumsy failure of cooking. it's a kinda .. experimental test and succesful experience we want to share from the darkest side of our kitchen :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

different angle from my cooking of chicken rice

different angle of my chicken rice
Originally uploaded by kl4nis.
This is my first posting for the yummy house. I feel .. nervous!!!! JOJO pushed me a lot to do posting first. (so after this, I'll 'encourage' her haha --> grinning)

well, it's only a simple cooking of chicken rice and chilli soy sauce. I will not list all the ingredients and how to make, but instead of that .. i will let your imagination to consider what ingredients i put for cooking this, and the steps i did to make.

well .. it's actually not that hard. At least, what you will need is a bunch of time to skewer the whole chicken for chicken rice. It should be nice to make small skewer of chicken, so it will mix nice with the rice. And I am much sure you will be enjoying time to skewering the chicken so small :)

so well done then .. hopefully you want to try that .. :)


Blogger mee said...

RECIPEEEE ;O tulis recipenyaaaaa

9:34 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

males euy nulis recipe nyaa :)

2:45 AM

Blogger jo said...

wow wowwww.. gila artistik banget fotonyaaaa.. wadowwww.. dioni, udah cobain resep yg kmrn itu gw kasi blm? chan ini kasi resepnya dong.. indah bangettt... plsssssss... btw kawan2, ini yg boleh comment cmn dari blogger doang kah?

9:40 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

sapa aja lah.

recipe :
Put one whole chicken (chopped to smaller size) and boil that in water.

Then put some chopped garlic, oil, salt, and soy sauce. (please consider to put some ginger as well).

then, after the chicken is well cooked, take that chicken out of water, skewer that to small size (di suwir kalo bahasa sunda sih).

put some rice to boiled water (the one you used to cook chicken). add a little bit more of salt, chicken stock, and soy sauce. cook until rice half done.

then, chop some carrots if you want, put that to the rice, include the skewed chicken, and mushrooms (better to use shiitake mushrooms .. make the taste better). Mix those with rice, and cook until it's .. looks like chicken rice :)

for the chilli sauce, chopped cabe rawit and garlic, and then .. put some soy sauce on it .. halass!!

easy rite?

10:13 PM

Blogger mee said...

iaych nii potonya artistikk huwhuwhu.

eh chan ini masaknya lu pake panci biasa atau rice cooker??

trus jo: gua dah cobain tuh yang tuna curry pake sour cream buat isi sandwich. tapi waktu itu gua buat 2 macem, buat egg sandwich juga. yang egg koq kayaknya lebih enak huehuehe. mebbe ada cara laen yang gua ga tau kali? gua soalnya bener2 dicampur doank tuna nya dan sour creamnya.

yang comment yah bole sapa ajah. cumannya lu mesti register di blogger dulu.

10:03 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

as usual dong .. panci biasa. sebetulnya sih, gara2 ga ada rice cooker :P

3:17 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

btw .. mana posting kalian?! JOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:43 AM

Blogger jo said...

btw ini beneran boleh postingnya cuman yg udah register blogger? gmn klo kita biarin aja masyarakat umum utk boleh posting.. toh kita semua ada akses internet jadi klo emang ada spammer, bisa cepet diapus.. gmn tmn2?

5:53 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

up to u girls .. btw ajakin mona dong

8:27 PM

Blogger mee said...

eh emangnya bisa yach masak nasi pake panci biasa dari beras gitu?? berarti aernya mesti pas banget dunk? kalo ga entar kelembekan atau kekerasan. airnya brapaa chaan??

8:27 AM

Blogger jo said...

bisa kok pake panci biasa.. gw perna coba tp lupa sih caranya.. loe coba cari di internet deh.. klo ga salah gw perna nemu

1:58 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

kira2 aja nee .. namanya jg nasi tim, pst .. mesti lembek kan? feeling ajaaa

10:11 PM

Blogger mee said...

nenek luu feeliingg. ya uda entar gua cobain awas yaa kalo gak jadi =b

8:01 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

kok pake nenek gua? salah nenek gua apee yeeeeee. beneran .. feeling aja. kira2. lah abis gimanaa .. gua mah ga pernah pake takar2 kok

7:46 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

gimana yang pada bikin nasi tim teh?!?! saya lg mo buat lg nih. dah beli ayaammm

12:08 AM


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