y.u.m.m.y h.o.u.s.e - a place to put our secret yummy recipes from past generations to new dummy recipes of our clumsy failure of cooking. it's a kinda .. experimental test and succesful experience we want to share from the darkest side of our kitchen :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

French Onion Soup

french onion soup

Ok this doesnt look as good as the pics taken by Chan but I tried my best.

My first posting here is a simple yet sophisticated soup ;) and recipe is as follow:

5-6 onions (sliced)
1-1.5 lt beef stock
2 tbsp sugar
200ml red wine

1. Boil and reduce beef stock to its one third
2. In another pan, melt butter and stir fry sliced onion. It will take quite long because we have to wait until the onion turns from pale yellow to clear and transparent color.
3. Sprinkle sugar to onion and mix well, let it caramelized but dont let it burn.
4. Add wine to the beef stock and let it boil.
5. Pour the onion into the beef stock and let it simmer for another 15-20 mins.
6. Serve.



Blogger Unknown said...

waaa .. it's haram to use wine here :( and btw .. kok gua jd mencium bau bawang yaa ...

7:55 PM

Blogger mee said...

entar gua cobain dee ini kayaknya gampang resepnyaa ;>

7:47 AM


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